Lochinvar Water Heaters Reviews (2024): My Experience

If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the hunt for a new water heater and considering Lochinvar as a potential option. I’ve been in your shoes, scouring the internet for reliable reviews and real user experiences to make an informed decision.

In this article, I’ll walk you through my experience with Lochinvar water heaters, discussing their pros and cons, and comparing them with other brands. My aim is to give you a comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide that feels like you’re getting advice from a friend.

So, let’s dive in!

Why I Chose Lochinvar

Lochinvar Boiler

When I first started looking for a water heater, I was overwhelmed by the number of options available.

From electric to gas, tankless to traditional, each brand boasted about their unique features and technologies.

After a lot of research and reading countless reviews, Lochinvar caught my eye.

Known for their high-efficiency water heaters and solid reputation, I decided to give them a try.

Pros of Lochinvar Water Heaters

  • Energy Efficiency

One of the standout features of Lochinvar water heaters is their energy efficiency. They offer a range of high-efficiency models that can significantly reduce your energy bills.

I noticed a drop in my utility costs after installing my Lochinvar water heater, which was a pleasant surprise. The Energy Star ratings on these units speak volumes about their performance.

  • Durability and Build Quality

Lochinvar water heaters are built to last. The construction feels robust, and the materials used are of high quality. My unit has been running smoothly for years with minimal maintenance.

The stainless steel tanks are resistant to corrosion, which adds to their longevity.

  • Advanced Features
Lochinvar VERITUS Water Heaters
Lochinvar VERITUS Water Heaters

I appreciate the advanced features that come with Lochinvar water heaters.

For instance, their SMART CONTROL™ technology allows for precise temperature control and system monitoring.

This feature is incredibly convenient and ensures that you always have hot water when you need it.

Plus, the integrated diagnostic system helps identify and troubleshoot issues before they become major problems.

  • Excellent Customer Support

Whenever I had questions or needed assistance, Lochinvar’s customer support was there to help. They are knowledgeable, friendly, and quick to respond. This level of customer service gives me peace of mind knowing that I can rely on them if something goes wrong.

Cons of Lochinvar Water Heaters

  • Initial Cost

One of the drawbacks I noticed is the initial cost. Lochinvar water heaters tend to be on the pricier side compared to some other brands. However, considering the long-term savings on energy bills and the durability of the product, I believe it’s a worthwhile investment.

  • Installation Complexity

Installing a Lochinvar water heater can be a bit complex, especially if you’re not a DIY enthusiast. I had to hire a professional to ensure proper installation, which added to the overall cost. However, this is a common issue with many high-efficiency water heaters.

Maintenance Tips For Lochinvar Water Heaters

To keep your Lochinvar water heater running efficiently and prolong its lifespan, regular maintenance is crucial. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful:

  • Regular Flushing
Lochinvar Boiler

Sediment buildup in the tank can affect the efficiency and lifespan of your water heater.

Flushing the tank at least once a year helps remove this sediment.

You can do this by turning off the water heater, attaching a hose to the drain valve, and letting the water run out until it’s clear.

  • Inspecting the Anode Rod

The anode rod helps prevent tank corrosion by attracting corrosive elements in the water.

Over time, it can become depleted and needs to be replaced. Check the anode rod every two to three years and replace it if it’s heavily corroded.

  • Checking the Pressure Relief Valve

The pressure relief valve is an essential safety feature. It should be checked annually to ensure it’s functioning correctly. To test it, lift the valve’s lever and let it snap back. If water flows out and stops when you let go, it’s working properly. If not, it may need to be replaced.

  • Inspecting for Leaks

Regularly inspect your water heater for any signs of leaks. Look around the base of the tank and the connections for any water pooling. Early detection of leaks can prevent more serious damage and costly repairs.

  • Monitoring the Temperature Setting

Keeping your water heater set at a moderate temperature (around 120°F) can prevent scalding, save energy, and reduce the risk of overheating. Higher temperatures can also cause faster wear and tear on the tank.

Comparing Lochinvar With Other Brands

  • Rheem

Rheem is another well-known brand in the water heater market.

Both Rheem and Lochinvar offer high-efficiency models, but there are some key differences.

Rheem water heaters are generally more affordable and have a wider range of products for different budgets.

However, in my experience, Lochinvar edges out in terms of build quality and advanced features.

  • A.O. Smith

A.O. Smith is often compared with Lochinvar due to their similar market position and product offerings. While A.O. Smith water heaters are known for their reliability and ease of installation, Lochinvar stands out with its energy efficiency and advanced control systems.

If you prioritize cutting-edge technology and efficiency, Lochinvar might be the better choice.

  • Bradford White

Bradford White is a brand that emphasizes durability and American-made products. They offer robust water heaters that are built to last.

However, Lochinvar’s advanced features and energy efficiency give it an edge, especially if you’re looking for a modern, tech-savvy water heater.

  • Real User Insights

From my perspective, using a Lochinvar water heater has been a positive experience overall. The energy savings and reliability have made a significant difference in my home. Talking to other users, I found similar sentiments.

Many appreciate the longevity and efficiency, although the higher upfront cost and installation requirements are common concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the life expectancy of a Lochinvar water heater?

Based on my experience and what I’ve gathered from other users, a Lochinvar water heater typically lasts between 10 to 15 years. Proper maintenance can extend this lifespan even further. The high-quality construction and corrosion-resistant materials contribute to their durability.

What is the most reliable water heater brand?

Reliability can be subjective and often depends on personal experiences. However, Lochinvar, A.O. Smith, and Rheem are frequently mentioned as reliable brands. Lochinvar stands out for its advanced features and energy efficiency, making it a top contender for those looking for long-term performance.

Who makes Lochinvar gas water heaters?

Lochinvar gas water heaters are manufactured by Lochinvar, LLC, a company that has been in the industry for decades. They are known for their innovation and high-quality products, which are used in both residential and commercial settings.

What brand water heaters last the longest?

Several brands are known for their long-lasting water heaters, including Lochinvar, A.O. Smith, and Bradford White. Lochinvar, in particular, offers durable units with stainless steel tanks that resist corrosion, contributing to their longevity.

Wrapping Up

Choosing a water heater is a significant decision, and I hope my insights into Lochinvar water heaters have helped you in your search. While they come with a higher initial cost and can be complex to install, their energy efficiency, durability, and advanced features make them a worthy investment.

If you’re looking for a reliable, high-performing water heater that can save you money in the long run, Lochinvar is definitely worth considering.

Remember, the best choice depends on your specific needs and budget. Take your time, weigh the pros and cons, and choose the water heater that best fits your home. Happy heating!

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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