Why Does Aluminum Free Deodorant Not Work And What Should You Do?

That happened to me…I just switched to natural deodorant and I stink! So, I was desperately looking for reasons and solutions. And I figured it out!

Turns out…among other issues. natural deodorant requires an adjustment period!

So, if you wondering why does aluminum free deodorant not work like I used to and how to make it work, this article should help you out.

Why Doesn’t Aluminum Free Deodorant Work?

aluminum free deodorant

It does work but it takes longer time. Brands put aluminum in their deodorants to see faster result by blocking the pores from where people sweat.

Natural deodorants don’t have it, so, taking a longer time is normal.

So, if no natural brands work for you, I am pretty sure you did not give them enough time.

Here are some reasons why aluminum-free deodorants don’t work for you:

  • Temporary Overproduction of Bacteria & Sweat

When you switch from aluminum based deodorant, huge sweat and bacteria will be released within a short period of time that has been locked up for years due to the aluminum.

That will produce huge body odor and your natural deodorant won’t be able to fight the door at least for a short period. Sometimes, it takes between 2 to 4 weeks depending on your body chemistry.

So, you should not get frustrated for the first few weeks at least. After that time period, your body will adjust to this new normal and you should see the results!

  • You Are Using Wrong Natural Deodorant!

The truth is not every natural deodorant is made equal and it’s very easy to choose the wrong one considering the aggressive marketing stand they put out there.

There are different types of natural deodorant with different ingredients. Some contain baking soda too and your body may not welcome that at all.

Also, even the strong smelling natural deodorant may work for you if it does not have necessary antibacterial properties.

You need to find something that contains charcoal, zinc, or magnesium instead of baking soda. So, you need to go through a trial and error method before you find the right one for you.

  • Odor-causing Bacteria
Lume Deodorant

Did you know your sweat alone can’t cause any body odor? Yea…that’s right!

When the bacteria interact with sweat, we smell the foul body odor.

If we can find a way to neutralize the bacteria, there won’t be BO in the first place!

The best way to fight such bacteria living our underarms is by using antibacterial soaps!

So, not using such antibacterial soap may be another reason why your natural deodorant is not working for you!

  • Your Clothes Might Be The Culprit!

We often forget that. Due to nature of the weave, your synthetic clothes might hold onto the odor.

Instead, you should wear clothes made of cotton, bamboo fibers, or linen where odor can move through easily.

Also, if you wear close-fit clothes on a hot day, your deodorant may not work at all!

  • You Are Applying It WRONG

Not just you, most of us are used to apply deodorant right before we head out for the day. But the right time of deodorant application is at night when our skin is dry.

So, if you apply it on your damp underarm even at night, it won’t work either. The moisture of your underarm won’t allow the formula of your deodorant to absorb properly.

That’s why applying it on your clean and dry underarm at night is critical. That way, your deodorant will have a better chance of fighting against wetness and odor.

How To Transition To Aluminum-free Deodorant?

natural deodorant

It may sound weird but you need to detox from aluminum and switch to natural gradually.

And there is something to learn for this slow transition.

Here is what you should do:

  • Ditch The Aluminum From Week 1

Your pores preserve the aluminum even after you ditch antiperspirant for a while.

For the first couple of days, you may not sweat or smell awful due to that. So, keep that in mind.

From week 1, you can begin applying your natural deodorant. But you should not feel any itching or see redness or rashes.

If you do, your deodorant probably contains baking soda. Read the ingredients. Switch to another natural deodorant that does not contain baking soda.

  • Continue Deodorant Detox From Week 2

Your body will release most of those accumulated aluminum at the end of week 1. Keep applying your natural deodorant on your clean and dry armpits.

Whenever you smell your BO, wipe your underarms with wet wipes and re-apply deodorant. It may sound difficult to follow but you will have to do this for few days only and it helps a lot for the smooth transition.

  • Sweat It Out From Week 3

Your body will release most of the accumulated toxins by now and most of the aluminum should be gone as well.

Since, there is almost no aluminum, your body may sweat even more at least temporarily. You should wear breathable shirts to lessen the sweating.

Also, keep using those wet wipes to clean your underarms before you apply the deodorant in this stage. Some people will be perfectly adjusted from week 3, but it depends on body chemistry.

  • Entering The New Normal From Week 4

Your body should be fully adjusted with natural deodorant from week 4 since it has purged all the toxins from it. It happens for most of the people at least with a few exceptions.

As you keep using the deodorant, it will become more accustomed to your body and you will have significantly less BO from week 4. Also, you will notice you are sweating insignificantly as well.

Also Read: Why My Lume Deodorant Doesn’t Work?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do aluminum-free deodorants really work?

Of course, they do work! It may require some adjustment time and preparation from your part but they will work like a charm.

What happens when you stop using deodorant with aluminum?

Your skin will naturally shed aluminum from your body over time when you stop using such deodorant – Dr. Joshua Zeichner (New York-based dermatologist).

Why do I still smell after using natural deodorant?

When bacteria get trapped within the moisture of your armpits, it will cause the foul odor. Your natural deodorant needs 2 to 4 weeks to properly adjust with your skin chemistry to fight the smell.

How long does it take to detox from aluminum deodorant?

Of course, our skin chemistry varies but it takes somewhere between 2 to 4 weeks to detox from aluminum deodorant.

Does aluminum free deodorant make you smell worse?

No. They smell as good as aluminum deodorant. But it takes longer time to see the result due to the absence of aluminum in natural deodorants.

Closing Remarks

So, does aluminum-free deodorant work??

Well, buy now you should understand that they work perfectly. They just need more time than aluminum enriched deodorant to adjust with your skin chemistry.

So, it’s not really the question of why doesn’t aluminum free deodorant work; it’s all about how you switch to natural deodorants.

Switch to any good brand and stick to it for a while (I would suggest 2 weeks at least) before you get frustrated.

Share your experience with natural deodorant in the comment box. I will be happy to include them in this article.

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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