There are similarities between Premixed Thinset Vs. Mix-It-Yourself. At the same time, both have advantages and disadvantages!
In this in-depth post, we’ll compare and contrast premixed thinset vs. mixing it yourself, also known as powder-based mortar, as well as its features, benefits, and draw a conclusion regarding which is best for you.
A Quick Comparison Table
Premixed Thinset | Mix-It-Yourself |
Thinset is a more durable substance than mastic, therefore it’s ideal for horizontal applications like floors that get a lot of use. | It’s a lot easier to work with, especially if you’re working on an uneven floor. |
Dry-mix thinset is low-cost and simple to utilize. | You have total command of consistency. |
Extra thinset must be discarded because it cannot be salvaged. | Making it may be excruciatingly repetitive, not to mention messy. |
Thinset takes a long time to dry, and vertically mounted tile may droop during this time. | It takes some practice to maintain the same level of consistency. |
Thinset demands a lot of effort to remove during demolition. | It’s a lot less expensive than premixed stuff and the process is a bit easier. |
Differences Between Premixed Thinset and Mix-It-Yourself
Let’s see how they are different from each other:
- Strength

Thinset is sold as a bagged powder that must be combined with water.
Because the mortar begins to set as soon as it is mixed, you must utilize the full batch or discard any leftovers.
Premixed thinset is packaged in large tubs and is ready to use right away.
The ease and convenience of premixed thinset mortar make it excellent for do-it-yourselfers, despite the fact that it is heavier to handle and more expensive than dry mortar mix.
For small bathrooms, mudrooms, and utility rooms, premixed mortar is ideal. If you’re working with a lot of different places, a dry mix can be a better option.
On the other side, mixing it yourself has its own benefit.
When using for floor tiles, powder-based grout is significantly easier to use, especially on uneven surfaces.
Because you must mix it before using it, you have complete control over consistency and may decide if you need a stronger base in one place or something that is “thinner” and easier to use in another.
If you’ve ever dealt with floor tiles, you’re aware of how difficult it is to level all of the pieces evenly. Nobody wants to go down a rough corridor. Mixing stuffs have always been considerably easier for me to spread over a larger area.
Sometimes Thinset is a gummy substance that makes it appear as if you’re exerting far more effort than necessary across a larger surface.
While mixing yourself,
Simply combine the ingredients in a mortar so that they are evenly distributed.
You can simply mix it in a mortar until the consistency isn’t as dry and it spreads like butter.
Obviously, there are a number of variables to consider, including the temperature of the room, the levelness of the surface, and the size and type of tile you’re using.
If you’re thinking about using premixed thinset, don’t do so on a floor. There’s not much you can do with large format tile when it comes to level it. The tile can simply sink into the grout, causing lippage and taking a long time to cure.
However, if you mix it yourself, things become a little easier because you have more alternatives and can modify things from there.
- Advantages

When you purchase a Premixed Thinset, it is already ready to use.
Remove the lid, get your trowel, and get painting. It’s that simple, but as with anything else, the convenience of having it pre-blended comes at a price.
If you’re installing tile for a standup shower, for example, it’s better to use pre-blended so your fabric doesn’t slip all over the place and grow waste.
Mixing it yourself gives you all the freedom that is necessary. You can work the way you want on a larger scale.
You don’t have to depend upon something that is pre-mixed. Most importantly, the benefit is that you can have a mixture of your own!
- Disadvantages
Thinset (or any other form of mortar, for that matter) needs to be mixed to a specific consistency and type depending on what you’re doing with it, in my experience.
You must be aware of thinset that has been pre-mixed. It’s not the same as mixing your own thinset mortar from a bag.
Real thinset mortar comprises portland cement, which hardens through a chemical reaction with water. The chemical reaction will not be stopped by sealing it in an airtight bucket.
As a result, making a true premixed thin-set is difficult.
Buying pre-mixed is therefore impracticable. If you’re trying to float a floor with it, for example, you’ll want it to stay wet longer and work well with a straight edge.
On the other hand,
I prefer to mix exactly what I need, so it takes some trial and error but it works well. Still mixings it yourself has some disadvantages too. Like you have to know the ingredients mixing ratio properly.
Sometimes mistakes can happen when you mix things up. So, it’s a thing to be considered.
Similarities between Premixed Thinset and Mix-It-Yourself

The most common similarity is that you can use both on your shower or bath wall. It’s not difficult to work with thinset made from powder.
Smaller batches mean less waste, and it cures by a chemical reaction rather than evaporation, so it’s just as smooth.
The main difference is user perceptions. For some, the powder is much easier to use.
All you’ll need is a mixing basin, a pail of water, and a trowel to blend it all together.
But there are a lot of people who feel more comfortable using something that is pre-made. Especially if you are a DIY Enthusiastic.
Final Words
I hope my detailed article has helped you to know the difference between Premixed Thinset Vs. Mix-It-Yourself on your preferred locations. Both have their pros and cons so the decision is up to you
Nevertheless, if you are a DIY enthusiastic you may prefer mixing things on your own and if you want something readymade then there is always an option for premixed thin-set.