Native Shampoo And Conditioner Review: My Honest Take

You’ve probably spent way too much time wandering the shampoo aisle, overwhelmed by the endless options. I recently decided to try out Native shampoo and conditioner, a brand that seems to be everywhere lately.

I wanted to give you a detailed review of my experience, sharing the good, the bad, and how it stacks up against other brands. So, let’s dive into this together and see if Native is worth your hard-earned cash.

My Journey With Native Shampoo And Conditioner

  • Why I Chose Native
Native Shampoo and Conditioner

To start, I was drawn to Native because of its reputation for being a natural and eco-friendly brand.

I’ve been trying to make more sustainable choices in my personal care routine, and Native seemed like a great fit.

They boast a sulfate-free, paraben-free, and dye-free formula, which is perfect for someone like me who’s concerned about the chemicals in their hair products.

  • The First Impressions

When I first opened the bottles, I was hit with a fresh, clean scent. It’s not overpowering, which I appreciate since strong fragrances can sometimes be a bit much for me.

The shampoo had a nice consistency—not too thick and not too runny. The conditioner, on the other hand, felt luxuriously thick, almost like a hair mask.

  • The Wash Experience

Using the shampoo was a pleasant experience. It lathered up nicely, even without sulfates, which can be a bit of a challenge for natural shampoos. I felt like it was really getting my hair clean without stripping it of its natural oils.

The conditioner was equally impressive, providing a smooth, detangling experience that left my hair feeling soft and manageable.

The Pros And Cons of Native Shampoo And Conditioner


  • Natural Ingredients
Native Coconut & Vanilla Shampoo & Conditioner

One of the biggest selling points of Native shampoo and conditioner is their use of natural ingredients.

They avoid sulfates, parabens, and synthetic dyes, which are often found in conventional hair products.

This means fewer harsh chemicals on your hair and scalp.

  • Eco-Friendly Packaging

Native also scores points for its eco-friendly packaging.

The bottles are made from recycled materials, and the company is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. This aligns perfectly with my goal to be more environmentally conscious.

  • Pleasant Scent

As I mentioned earlier, the scent is lovely. It’s fresh and clean without being overpowering. Native offers a variety of scents, so there’s something for everyone.

  • Effective Cleansing

Despite being sulfate-free, the shampoo lathers well and provides a thorough cleanse. My hair felt genuinely clean but not stripped, which is a delicate balance to achieve.

  • Hydrating Conditioner

The conditioner is fantastic for hydration. It left my hair feeling soft, smooth, and easy to detangle. I noticed a significant reduction in frizz and flyaways, which is always a win in my book.


  • Price Point

One downside is the price. Native products are a bit more expensive than your average drugstore shampoo and conditioner. If you’re on a tight budget, this might be a sticking point.

  • Availability

While Native is becoming more widely available, it can still be a bit tricky to find in some areas. You might have to order online, which isn’t always convenient.

  • Not Ideal for All Hair Types

While I had a great experience, I can see how Native might not work for everyone. If you have extremely dry or curly hair, you might need something more intensely moisturizing.

Tips For Using Native Shampoo And Conditioner

I’ve had a great experience with Native shampoo and conditioner, and I’d love to share some tips to help you get the most out of these products. Here are some practical pointers to make sure you’re using them effectively.

  • Use The Right Amount
Native Shampoo And Conditioner

When it comes to shampoo, less is often more.

Start with a small amount—about the size of a quarter for short hair and a bit more for longer hair.

Native shampoo lathers well, so you don’t need a lot to get a good clean.

  • Thoroughly Wet Your Hair

Make sure your hair is thoroughly wet before applying the shampoo.

This helps the product distribute evenly and lather up properly, ensuring every strand gets cleaned.

  • Massage Your Scalp

When applying the shampoo, take a few extra minutes to massage your scalp with your fingertips. This not only helps to clean your scalp thoroughly but also stimulates blood flow, which can promote healthier hair growth.

  • Rinse Completely

Rinsing is a crucial step. Make sure you rinse out all the shampoo from your hair to prevent any residue from building up. Residual shampoo can make your hair feel heavy and greasy.

  • Apply Conditioner Correctly

With the conditioner, focus on the mid-lengths and ends of your hair rather than the roots. This is where your hair tends to be drier and more damaged. Applying conditioner to your roots can weigh your hair down and make it look greasy faster.

  • Leave The Conditioner In

For the best results, leave the conditioner in your hair for a few minutes before rinsing it out. This allows the product to penetrate your hair and provide maximum hydration and nourishment.

  • Use Cold Water for the Final Rinse

Rinsing your hair with cold water at the end of your shower can help seal the hair cuticle, making your hair look shinier and smoother. It also helps lock in the moisture from the conditioner.

  • Adjust Frequency Based on Your Hair Type

How often you use Native shampoo and conditioner will depend on your hair type. If you have oily hair, you might need to wash it more frequently. If your hair is dry or curly, you might find that washing it less often helps maintain its natural oils.

  • Be Patient

If you’re switching from a conventional shampoo to Native, give your hair some time to adjust. It might take a few washes to fully remove the build-up from your old products and for your hair to adapt to the new routine.

  • Pair with Other Native Products

Native offers a range of hair care products, including different scents and formulations. Experimenting with their other products can help you find the perfect match for your hair needs.

  • Protect Your Hair Between Washes

To maintain the benefits of Native shampoo and conditioner, try to protect your hair between washes. Use a heat protectant when styling, avoid excessive heat, and consider using a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and frizz.

Using these tips, you can make the most out of your Native shampoo and conditioner, ensuring your hair stays healthy, clean, and beautifully manageable.

Comparing Native With Other Brands

  • Native Vs. OGX
OGX shampoo

I’ve also tried OGX shampoos and conditioners in the past.

While OGX offers a wide range of products for different hair types, I found that Native’s ingredient list was more straightforward and less likely to cause irritation.

OGX products sometimes contain silicones and sulfates, which can build up on your hair over time.

  • Native Vs. SheaMoisture

SheaMoisture is another brand that emphasizes natural ingredients. However, I found Native to be more lightweight and less likely to weigh my hair down. SheaMoisture can be very rich, which is great for very dry hair but not always necessary for someone with normal to oily hair like mine.

  • Native Vs. Pantene

Pantene is a classic, but it’s full of sulfates and parabens, which Native avoids. While Pantene leaves my hair feeling super clean and shiny, I can’t ignore the long-term effects of those harsh chemicals. Native feels like a healthier choice for my hair and scalp.

My Overall Verdict

So, would I recommend Native shampoo and conditioner?

Absolutely, especially if you’re looking to make a switch to more natural products. They offer a great balance of effective cleansing and hydration without the harsh chemicals found in many conventional hair products. The eco-friendly packaging is a nice bonus, too.

That said, it’s important to consider your specific hair type and needs. Native worked well for my hair, but if you have very dry or curly hair, you might need something more moisturizing. And if you’re on a tight budget, the higher price point might be a deterrent.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Native good or bad for your hair?

In my experience, Native is good for your hair. It cleanses effectively without stripping away natural oils and provides adequate hydration. The natural ingredients are less likely to cause irritation or build-up, making it a healthier option for long-term use.

What is the healthiest shampoo and conditioner?

The healthiest shampoo and conditioner are those that avoid harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and synthetic dyes. Brands like Native, SheaMoisture, and Acure offer great natural alternatives that are gentle on your hair and scalp.

What hair types is Native shampoo good for?

Native shampoo is good for most hair types, particularly normal to oily hair. If you have very dry or curly hair, you might need a more intensely moisturizing product, but Native can still be a great option for a gentle, daily cleanse.

Can I use Native shampoo daily?

Yes, you can use Native shampoo daily. Its gentle formula is designed for frequent use without causing build-up or irritation. Just make sure to follow up with the conditioner to keep your hair hydrated and smooth.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it—my in-depth review of Native shampoo and conditioner. I hope this gives you a clearer idea of whether Native is the right choice for you.

Remember, everyone’s hair is different, and what works for me might not work for you. But if you’re looking for a natural, eco-friendly option that delivers on its promises, Native is definitely worth a try.

Happy hair days!

Patricia J. Huerta

Meet Patricia J. Huerta. She is a dedicated writer specializing in reviews and insights on shampoo, soap, conditioner, and other female products. Based in Dobbs Ferry, NY, Patricia brings a personal touch to her articles, aiming to help readers find the best beauty and hair care solutions for their needs.

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