Mitchum Deodorant Complaints: Should You Buy It?

Mitchum is a reliable brand for manufacturing good-quality deodorants. However, for the last few years, their deodorants were not up to the mark due to the introduction of the new formula.

People have a lot of Mitchum Deodorant Complaints,which has created a significant buzz in several forums and reviewing sites.

Mitchum Deodorants had millions of long-term users. But their sudden changed formula has already cut off a huge number of old customers.

So, what’s wrong happened with their deodorants? Let’s learn them!

Complaints From Customers Regarding Mitchum Deodorants

mitchum deodorant

It is pretty hard to find a product that doesn’t have a single negative review. After all, people’s perceptions vary.

What appears ‘good’ or ‘completely okay’ for a person may not be ‘good enough’ or seem ‘bad’ for another person.

Here we are mentioning some problems and complaints from users.

  • Problem With Twist/Spray Button

Many users complained that the twist/spray button of the Mitchum Deodorant often fails to work.

This makes the product unusable even though a significant proportion of spray is still inside the container.

After all, you have to press the button to release the spray. If not, you can’t spray it on your body.

  • May Not Be Perfect For All Users

Few regular users complained that they have experienced rash under their arms. However, the regular customers added that they didn’t face this problem earlier.

Thus, before using this product, you should talk with your skin doctor about any skin problems.

  • May Cause Skin Issues

Though Mitchum claimed some products are fully unscented, people with allergies have faced problems using their deodorants.

Several users complained that their underarm has become sore and their eyes have swollen.

  • Includes Parfum 

This deodorant also contains a “Parfum (Fragrance)” ingredient like different perfumes. Though it is not significantly harmful, it may cause minor problems like skin burning, swelling, itching, irritation, or even redness.

 If your skin is too sensitive and has allergic problems, it is a good rule of thumb to give your doctor permission before using it.

  • Takes Time to Dry

Suppose you hurry to go to your office or do important work. You applied the deodorant, but it is still wet. How will you react? Obviously, you feel awkward.

Mitchum deodorants, especially the ‘gel’ version, take a little time to dry. If you don’t dry it properly before going, the solution will mix with your sweat. As a result, its effectiveness may reduce.

  • It Is Not Fully Unscented

If you can’t withstand a little strong scent, you may experience scent-triggered migraines problems.

The company should label it as “less scented” instead of “unscented.” It has a light and distinct fragrance.

  • May Leave White Streaks 

Many users complained that their clothes got white streaks when using Mitchum deodorants. Spots are easily noticeable when you wear dark color outfits.

This makes a lot of mess if you suddenly notice it in a public gathering. However, the actual problem could be for other reasons, which might be unknown to you.

  • Contains Aluminum

The new formula in Mitchum deodorants includes aluminum, which is a questionable ingredient as per many experts.

Though there’s no scientific evidence, many researchers believe deodorants that contain aluminum may cause several adverse health effects.

For example, it might be absorbed in women’s skins and collected in breast tissue, which may cause breast cancers in the future.

About Mitchum Deodorant

Mitchum roll-on deodorant

Mitchum Deodorants are well known for keeping your underarm sweat-free all day long.

Once it’s dried up properly, you will even forget the “sweat” words.

Their effectiveness and dryness make them a top choice among all deodorant brands.

Keeping you underarm sweat-free and giving wetness protection is what users love to hear from this prominent brand.

What makes it stand out from other deodorants is its incredibly affordable price.

That’s why millions of users use their products.

What do They Offer?

Though Mitchum Deodorant has many complaints, the brand is not as bad as you think. Their Deodorants are dermatologist tested to ensure safety for sensitive skins.

But that doesn’t all people will be safe. As our body reacts differently from person to person, there is no guarantee the product will be 100% safe for all people.

Plus, their deodorant products are free from alcohol, which can greatly soften your skin after applying the product. You won’t have a hard feeling after using the deodorant. Plus, you get a natural fragrance from the product.

No matter how many complained their deodorants have, they effectively control odor. It can keep your body odor-free for the whole day.

About Customers Satisfactions

No doubt Mitchum deodorants are not free from problems. But their customer satisfaction is not that much bad

Take the example of Mitchum Antiperspirant Deodorant Stick for Men. It has a 4.7 rating out of 5 on the Amazon website. If it were that bad, people wouldn’t give such high ratings.

We know their deodorants have some cons, and they need to fix this problem soonest. But it is still a good choice for the value it provides at such an affordable price.

How Can This Brand Overcome The Complaints?


If the brand focuses on improving product quality, it can satisfy its customers.

Here are some important factors the company should consider to overcome the complaints.

  • Redesign the Twist/Spray Button

Since the twist/spray button may become damaged or may not work properly after a particular time.

They should redesign this button so that it smoothly works until there is any solution left inside the container.

  • Make Special Products for Highly Sensitive Skins

Some people have extremely sensitive skin. They should be treated separately.

That’s why the brand should develop new products for them so that they don’t have skin problems while using them.

  • Reformulate the Formula

Mitchum had recently changed their deodorant formula, which caused a lot of negative feedback from the customers.

That’s why they should aim at better the recipe to make it more effective to use.

  • Use Natural Ingredients

Though they label their product ‘unscented,’ there is still a portion of scent available in the formula. Mitchum should cut off using any unnatural ingredients, especially for people who can’t withstand even a little strong smell.

Also Read: Differences Between Spray And Roll-On Deodorant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Mitchum a good brand?

Yes, it is a well-known brand, has been in the market for more than several decades. Millions of customers have been using their products for decades.

Who is the owner of Mitchum?

The Revlon Corporation is the current owner of the Mitchum brand.

Who made Mitchum deodorant?

Bill McNutt is the main person who is credited for making Mitchum deodorant at first.

When was Mitchum deodorant founded?

Mitchum deodorant was first founded in 1959, and a 42-year-old Hollywood actor first used this product. 


Just because the Mitchum Deodorant has some problems doesn’t mean it should be out of the market. When you compare its price and effectiveness, very few brands can come to close it. So the manufacturer should focus on  complaints and problems regarding their deodorants.

They should not start working on those criteria to make the product better. If they can successfully overcome it, they will keep a permanent space to many people’s mind!

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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