Worms in Shower Cracks: Reasons And How To Get Rid of Them?

If you think about the most relaxing and pleasing place in your house, I am sure that would be your bathroom shower. Now imagine, suddenly you find out several worms in shower cracks, how would you feel?

Firstly, you will feel scared, it is indeed very scary. Secondly, having this stuff inside your shower is not a good idea at all!

To get rid of this horrible problem in the shower, you need to know how the problem gets created in the first place.

So, without doing much delay, let’s dive deeper into knowing this.

What Causes The Presence of Worms In Your Shower?

grout worms in shower

Though it is the least expected thing for any homeowner, it is quite common in most households. 

But, why is it so common, is there any reason to attract these worms in a damp place like a shower?

Well, let’s try to know about it in detail, hopefully, it will give you some idea regarding it.

By the frequency of their presence in the damp area like showers, it is very easy to understand that damp places are the perfect habitat for these worms.

Moreover, all these drain worms and flies, grout worms in the shower mostly live on consuming all the organic materials, for instance, human skin cells and hairs. It is no wonder, that the bathroom shower is the perfect place for having all these materials.

This is absolutely an ideal place for these living beings without any doubt.

All these creatures thrive in places with heavy moisture that may also remain in pipes, plumbing fixtures, p-traps, standing showers, and so on. For most people, it remains in the kitchen sink, bathroom shower, and shower pit.

Another reason for their comfort in a place like this is that, lack of light. Insects like these are meant to make their home in a damp and darker place like this. 

Another very common and evident reason is the stagnant water of the pipe or some other place in the shower. Water remaining for quite a long time can also create worms in your shower.

How Can You Get Rid Of Worms In The Shower Of Your House?

how to get rid of drain worms in shower

Now that you know the reason behind the presence of annoying creatures in your home, and the convenient places of breeding ground of this place. 

It is time to think about how you can get rid of this annoying problem.

So, how to get rid of drain worms in shower?

Let’s figure it out.

  • Using Baking Soda And White Vinegar

A mix of baking soda and white vinegar can work as a homemade drain worm cleaner for your shower. The mixture of this chemical substance kills the worms and also helps to disintegrate the organic matters to clean the shower and the drains.

Alternatively, you can apply shower grout cleaner as well!

  • Unclogging The Filters Of The Drains

This one is another most worm-attracting place in the shower. They tend to thrive in this place. In this place, adult flies are more prone to breeding.

Hence, it is extremely important to unclog the drain filters. Regularly you need to make sure that there are no hairs, debris, and stuff like these stuck in the filter.

  • Pouring Hot Water

It helps to get rid of the organic materials that create the worms in the first place. Hot water also helps to get rid of the already existing worms instantly by destroying the organisms.

That is why it is very common to find so many households to use hot water during the process of cleaning the shower and the toilet.

  • Using Bio-Enzymatic Cleaners

It will be much easier for you to clean the drains with such cleaners. Moreover, it also works well for grout worms in shower. 

This cleaner tends to soften all the organic matter, thus making it easy to remove the dirt.

  • Cleaning With A Metal Pipe Brush

When you bring a metal pipe brush home, then it can remove organic dirt that is stuck in the pipe. While cleaning with this tool, you need to up and down the brush. 

By doing this regularly, you can keep your shower worm-free for a long time.

  • Cleaning The Surface With Bleach

Though it is not advisable to do it regularly, you can pick bleach for cleaning. Bleach is good when you want larvae of the worm and adult fly eggs to get removed from your shower.

It will destroy those also it will help to kill all the worms hiding in the grout.

  • Using a Plunger

Most of the house has this tool. For any dirt in the drain corner, you can use this plunger. It will make sure that the shower and the drain are free from all organic matter free which would work as a catalyst for those annoying worms.

  • Trying Out Mineral Oils

You can also try out mineral oils for unused drains. It seems to be working well in some households. It helps to cover the surface of the shower.

This video will help you a lot!

My Recommendation Regarding This Annoying Problem

Some other ways can help you to get rid of the worms in the shower.

Several months back I had to deal with this problem, and it was not for the first time in my home. I have mentioned the ways that worked well for me in my shower.

There are some other issues that you can pay close attention to like there is no excess moisture, fixing any existing plumbing issue, regular cleaning routine of the shower, and so on.

Also Read: Antibacterial Soaps For Folliculitis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can drain worms make you sick?

Though drain worms look disturbing and scary, they do not harm humans, as there is no evidence of biting or transmission of any blood-borne diseases. But they can contaminate the food once they get into the water.

How do you get rid of bathroom larvae?

There are many ways of getting rid of bathroom larvae. But the most common way of getting rid of it for the majority of the households is to use bleach.

How do you get rid of water worms?

You can mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and drink it every day to kill the unwanted parasites in your digestive system. But you have to be sure if it is not creating some other problem for your health.

Wrapping up

It is so common to have worms in shower cracks, pipe cracks, tiles grout, and so on. Once you find out this issue, in your shower, then be assured that there are plenty of ways of getting rid of it.

You can try out the ways that worked for me in getting rid of this problem, or you can explore other ways as well. 

Remember, there is no alternative to regular cleaning of your shower to avoid such problems.

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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