Squatty Potty Simple Vs. Original: Key Differences And Features

Since appearing on the popular American business reality show Shark Tank in 2014, Squatty potty has come a long way. Now, it’s one of the most purchased Toilet stools on the market. 

However, when purchasing, people often seem confused between Squatty potty simple vs. original, two of the core variant of this popular toilet stool. 

If you are one of those people who are planning to buy a squatty potty and are confused about which one you should buy, this comparison guide will help you figure out the specifications and make a choice. 

So, without further ado, let’s dig deep and discover the differences. 

A Brief Comparison Table

Before we head into the in-depth comparison, I was hoping you could look at this quick comparison table. This way, you’ll have a better idea about the differences when discussed in detail. 

Also, if you are in a hurry, you can get the gist of the whole comparison from here. 

SpecificationSquatty Potty SimpleSquatty Potty Original
Dimension12.38 x 18.75 x 7.63 inches12 x 20 x 9 inches
Toilet CompatibilityBetter suited for 14”-15” standard toiletBetter suited 15.5”-17” comfort height toilet
User CompatibilityBetter suited for all squattersBetter suited for advanced or limber squatters
PriceLower than  Squatty potty originalIt costs more than squatty potty simple

Differences Between Simple And Original Squatty Potty

After the quick comparison, let’s move on to the in-depth discussion. There are not many differences here, and by the end of this discussion, you should be able to decide the better choice for yourself. 

  • Dimension
simple Squatty Potty
simple Squatty Potty

The size is the only significant difference between the squatty potty simple and the original.

As the name suggests, the original squatty potty original came out first on the market when the brand was founded. It had a dimension of 12 x 20 x 9 inches. 

On the other hand, squatty potty simple came out quite a few years later with a smaller form factor of 12.38 x 18.75 x 7.63 inches.

As the simple squatty potty was smaller, it could cover a wider user base. 

That’s why it’s also considered to be the more popular variant. Other differences coming up are actually the result of this size difference.

  • Toilet Size

Due to the size difference I just discussed above, simple and original squatty potty also has different compatibility with toilet heights. The toilet height is an important consideration when purchasing a toilet as well as s squatty potty.  

There are two sizes out there; one is the standard size, which is around 14-15”, and the other is comfort height which is about 15.5-17”. 

Due to the smaller form factor of the simple squatty potty, it’s a better choice for standard height. On the other hand, the original squatty potty is preferable for comfort height as it’s taller. 

  • User Compatibility
Original Squatty Potty
Original Squatty Potty

The squatty potty basically allows the user to sit in a squatting position.

However, not all users have the same type of squatting capacity. 

For example, it can be challenging for someone old or short to be flexible enough to sit in a higher squatting position. 

So, in terms of compatibility, the original squatty potty is for users capable of advanced or more flexible squatting positions. On the other hand, the squatty potty is more like a jack of all trades. It can be an excellent option for any squatter. 

  • Price

As there is a difference in size between squatty potty simple and original, a price difference is also expected. As a simple plastic-made tool, the squatty potty is already relatively cheaper. 

As for the difference, the original squatty potty costs just a few bucks more than the simple one, which should not be a deal-breaker for anyone. 

Which One Is The More Suitable Choice?

As you can see, there are quite a few differences between squatty potty original and simple. However, apart from the dimension and price, there is no actual difference here. The size difference makes the two variants suitable for different people. 

As for the material or functionality, both simple and original squatty potty is exactly the same. So, the appropriate choice of squatty potty will vary from man to man. But no matter which variant you go for, you’ll get the same befits. 

Also Read: Complaints Against Squatty Potty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs

Is the 7 inch or 9 inch Squatty Potty better?

It’s an entirely subjective matter that can vary from individual to individual. Also, your toilet height can help you answer this question. If your toilet has standard height, than the smaller 7-inch squatty potty is better. But for the higher comfort toilets, 9-inch squatty potty will be more suitable. 

Does the Squatty Potty really make a difference?

Due to the posture squatty potty helps you achieve, it can make differences in a few ways. Human bodies are anatomically designed to poop in a squatting position. So, when you place your feet on the squatty potty, it changes your posture from a sitting to a squatting position. 
This way, the rectum muscle gets to loosen up, making waste release easier. As a result, it can minimize strains and improve the overall bowel movement. 

Can Squatty Potty cause problems?

While not everyone can be befitted from using a squatty potty, there is no reason it can cause any problem for your bowel movement. Initially, the sitting position might seem a bit weird at first, but gradually your body will adapt to this position allowing you to enjoy the benefit of squatty potty. 

How tall is simple Squatty Potty?

Simple squatty potty released way after the release of the original squatty potty. The simple squatty potty has a height of 7 inches. This lower height makes it a balanced option for every type of squitters out there.

Final Thought

Here we are at the end of my comparison guide. Now that you know the difference between simple and original Squatty potty, you should be able to decide which one will be a suitable choice for you. 

As for the usage, you can invest in a squatty potty with your eyes closed, as it can be a great help if you are having difficulties having a bowel movement. 

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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