Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo Reviews: Is This Worth It?

If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for ways to keep your hair looking its best. Especially if you’ve got blonde, silver, or highlighted hair, you know the struggle of maintaining that perfect tone. Enter Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo.

This little bottle of magic promises to keep those brassy tones at bay, but does it really work?

In this article, I’ll take you through my personal journey with Shimmer Lights, weighing the pros and cons, comparing it to other brands, and answering some of the most common questions about purple shampoo.

So, let’s dive in!

Why I Needed Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo

Clairol Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo

As someone who’s been dyeing their hair blonde for years, I’ve tried just about every product out there to maintain my color.

But nothing worked quite as well as I’d hoped.

That is until I stumbled upon Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo.

This shampoo is specifically designed to neutralize yellow and brassy tones in blonde, silver, and highlighted hair.

I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a try.

Here’s what I found.

The Pros of Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo

Let’s start with the good stuff. There are several reasons why Shimmer Lights has become a staple in my hair care routine.

  • Effective Color Correction

First and foremost, Shimmer Lights really does work. After just one wash, I noticed a significant reduction in the yellow tones that had been creeping into my hair. My blonde looked cooler and more vibrant, almost like I had just stepped out of the salon.

  • Affordable

Another big plus is the price. Compared to some high-end salon brands, Shimmer Lights is quite affordable. You get a lot of bang for your buck, which is always a win in my book.

  • Easy to Use

Using Shimmer Lights is pretty straightforward. You just lather it into your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, and rinse it out. There’s no complicated process, which makes it a great option for those of us who are always on the go.

  • Widely Available

You can find Shimmer Lights at most drugstores, beauty supply stores, and online retailers. It’s convenient to pick up a bottle whenever you need it, without having to hunt it down.

The Cons of Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo

Of course, no product is perfect. Here are a few downsides I’ve experienced with Shimmer Lights.

  • Drying
Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo
Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo

One of the biggest drawbacks of Shimmer Lights is that it can be quite drying.

After using it, my hair often feels a bit more brittle and less hydrated.

This isn’t a deal-breaker for me, but it’s something to be aware of, especially if you already have dry or damaged hair.

  • Strong Scent

The scent of Shimmer Lights is pretty strong, and it’s not to everyone’s taste.

It’s a sort of floral, soapy smell that lingers even after you rinse it out. Personally, I don’t mind it, but I know some people find it overpowering.

  • Potential for Purple Stains

If you leave Shimmer Lights on for too long, it can leave a purple tint on your hair. This happened to me once when I got distracted and left it in for an extra five minutes. It wasn’t a huge deal – the purple washed out after a couple of shampoos – but it’s something to be mindful of.

Comparing Shimmer Lights To Other Purple Shampoos

There are a lot of purple shampoos on the market, so how does Shimmer Lights stack up? Here are my thoughts on how it compares to a few other popular brands.

  • Fanola No Yellow Shampoo

Fanola No Yellow Shampoo is another favorite among blondes. It’s known for its intense purple pigment, which is great for serious brassiness. However, I found Fanola to be even more drying than Shimmer Lights. If moisture is a concern for you, Shimmer Lights might be the better option.

  • Matrix Total Results So Silver

Matrix Total Results So Silver is a bit pricier than Shimmer Lights, but it’s also more moisturizing. I noticed less dryness when using So Silver, but the color correction wasn’t quite as strong as Shimmer Lights. If you need heavy-duty toning, Shimmer Lights might be more effective.

  • Joico Color Balance Purple Shampoo

Joico’s Color Balance Purple Shampoo strikes a nice balance between toning and moisturizing. It’s less drying than Shimmer Lights and has a more pleasant scent. However, it’s also more expensive and harder to find. If you don’t mind spending a bit more, Joico is a solid choice.

My Personal Experience and Recommendations

Overall, I’ve been really happy with Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo. It does a great job of keeping my blonde hair looking fresh and cool-toned, and it’s affordable and easy to find.

Yes, it can be drying, but I mitigate that by using a good conditioner and a weekly deep conditioning treatment.

If you’re new to purple shampoo, I’d recommend starting with Shimmer Lights. It’s a great entry-level option that delivers solid results. Just be sure to keep an eye on the clock when you use it to avoid any accidental purple staining.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Shimmer Lights a good purple shampoo?

Absolutely. In my experience, Shimmer Lights is one of the best purple shampoos for neutralizing brassy tones and keeping blonde hair looking vibrant. It’s effective, affordable, and widely available, making it a great choice for anyone looking to maintain their color at home.

How long should I leave Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo in my hair?

The recommended time is typically 3-5 minutes. However, you might need to adjust this based on your hair’s porosity and the level of brassiness you’re dealing with. I’ve found that 5 minutes is usually enough to get the desired effect without risking purple staining.

What is the downside of purple shampoo?

The main downside is that purple shampoo can be drying, especially if used too frequently. It’s important to follow up with a good conditioner and limit use to once or twice a week. Additionally, if left on too long, purple shampoo can leave a temporary purple tint on your hair.

What’s the number one purple shampoo?

This is subjective and can vary based on individual needs and preferences. However, Shimmer Lights is definitely a top contender due to its effectiveness and affordability. Other popular options include Fanola No Yellow and Joico Color Balance Purple Shampoo.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – my comprehensive review of Shimmer Lights Purple Shampoo. If you’re looking for an affordable, effective way to keep your blonde, silver, or highlighted hair looking its best, this shampoo is definitely worth a try.

Yes, it has a few downsides, but the pros far outweigh the cons in my opinion. Give it a shot, and see if it works for you. After all, maintaining that perfect hair color shouldn’t have to be a hassle.

Happy shampooing!

Patricia J. Huerta

Meet Patricia J. Huerta. She is a dedicated writer specializing in reviews and insights on shampoo, soap, conditioner, and other female products. Based in Dobbs Ferry, NY, Patricia brings a personal touch to her articles, aiming to help readers find the best beauty and hair care solutions for their needs.

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