Schluter Shower System Vs. Tile-Redi Shower Pan (2025)

The more options you have the more complicated it gets. Now, as people are more conscious about shower pans, it can be confusing to select a product among hundreds of options. 

So, in this article, I have compared Schluter and Tile-Redi, two of the popular shower systems on the market, and tried to figure out which one will be the best choice for you.

Schluter Or Tile-Redi Shower: A Quick Comparison Table

Though both the shower systems have their reputation for doing the same thing, some major differences make them separate. Before the in-depth comparison, I compiled a comparison table to showcase the key differences. Have a look!

SpecificationsSchluter Shower SystemTile Redi Shower Pan
TypeA comprehensive shower waterproofing systemSingle piece shower water drainage pan
Ease of InstallationMore challenging due to different measurements and partsOne piece easy installation
WaterproofingProvides for the whole showerProvides just for the shower floor
PriceLess expensiveMore expensive

Key Differences Between Schluter And Tile-Redi Shower System

Now that you have some primary knowledge about the differences let’s talk about them in detail. In this part, I have discussed different aspects of Schluter and Tile Redi and discussed any differences.

  • Type And How They Work
Schluter Shower System

Right of that, you’ll notice that the Tile Redi and Schluter are vastly different from each other, though they are meant to do the same job.

The difference is in the name as well. 

At the same time, the Schulter is a comprehensive shower waterproofing stem with drainage, while the other one is just a regular pan providing waterproofing for the floor with drainage.

There are different parts included in the Schulter shower system that need separate measurement installation. I’ll talk about the different parts and their installation briefly later in this article. 

On the other hand, Tile Redi is just a pan you install on your shower floor under the tiles.

  • Material Used

The material used to manufacture the Schluter and Tile Ready pan is also different from one. Tile Redi pan is made out of polyurethane, which is known for durability. 

Apart from durability, polyurethane is also lightweight, easier to maintain, and sits well with the floor and tiles installed above.

As for the Schluter shower system, it’s made of expanded polystyrene. Due to its high compressive strength, it’s more capable of withstanding heavy weight on top of it, like from the glass door or block walls. 

Additionally, it works as a durable and lightweight base for the waterproof membrane and tiles. 

So, as you can see, both brands have totally different materials. However, both of them are great in terms of withstanding weight and waterproofing.

  • Ease of Installation
TILE REDI base and bench
TILE REDI base and bench

Ease of installation will be the main concern for a lot of people planning a DIY shower project at home.

Additionally, the same performance by bot materials makes it an even more crucial deciding factor.

So, in terms of installation, Tile ready shower pan appears with a more convenient installation process.

Considering it only comes with a shower pan, there is not much measurement going on. Furthermore, Tile Redi comes in different sizes, but its size customization option makes it super easy to install.

As a full system, Schluter is also not that far behind, and it has done a great job of making the installation as easy as possible compared to another shower system. 

Still, as you have to install different parts for the system, it’s still more complicated than the Tile Redi Shower pan.

  • Waterproofing Features

Waterproofing has been a key consideration for shower trays/ pans. And impressively enough, both Tile Redi and Schluter have excellent waterproofing performance over the year. 

The only catch here is that you have to know how to install them properly. You can use either one of these with proper installation, and don’t worry about any leakage for years. 

One thing to note here is that the Schluter also provides waterproofing on the shower walls with the membrane, which is not the case for Tile Redi as it’s just the pan itself.

  • Available Accessories In The Package

As for how both systems work and install differ briefly, so does the stuff that comes with the package. Things that come with the Schluter shower system includes:

installing Schluter Shower System
  • Shower Curb
  • Floor drain: Drains shower water
  • Performed corners: Seals vulnerable corers
  • Waterproofing strips: Seals the seams and connections
  • Waterproofing membrane: Protects the wall from moisture penetration
  • Pipe and mixing valve seal: Seals pipe protrusions and solid backing panel
  • Waterproof, sloped shower tray: Protects the floor and directs water towards the drain

As you can see, Schluter is a full-proof shower system. Apart from the shower tray, it has protection and seals for the different areas throughout the shower. 

On the other hand, Tile Redi comes with a shower pan with a round drain plate and a 2-inch drain. There are different sizes of pans available, and you can also customize one from their website according to your need.

  • Price Gap

The price gap is somewhat significant between Tile Redi and Schluter for what they offer. However, that’s not going to be a deal-breaker if you consider what each of these products is meant for. 

Schluter shower system provides a lot of value as a full-blown shower system with different types of seal and protection. On the other hand, Tile Redi only comes with the pan and cost more than Schluter.

Which One Should You Pick For Your Shower?

installing Tile-Redi Shower system

After a busy day, the shower is where we can finally relax while taking a bath.

That’s why you have to be extra careful about the different parts you install there so that your relaxing experience doesn’t get ruined.

One important part of any shower system is the shower pan. This is basically the floor that directs all the shower water towards the draining system.

A properly working shower pan or shower system is the key to efficient drainage; it’s essential to prevent flooding in your shower area.

Both Schluter and Tile Redi had their pros and cons throughout the comparison. Besides, as one is a shower system and another comes with the shower tray only, it’s a little tricky to compare them directly.

In my opinion, apart from the installation, the Schluter shower system seems to offer better overall protection and value. As for other aspects, it’s really up to the preference of individuals.

Also Read: Kerdi Or Ditra For Shower?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Schluter shower pan good?

Consider what you get for the money; Schluter seems to be a good bang for the buck. Instead of just the shower pan, you are also getting wall protection and sealant for other areas too.

What kind of shower pan do you use for tile?

The shower pan does the job of directing the shower water towards the drain in case of leakage. Installing a pan underneath the shower tile eliminates the need for a substructure and makes the whole shower installation easy for you. 
If you are looking for a shower pa to install underneath, a composite pan can be a great choice. As it’s like a hybrid of different materials, composite pans perform great in terms of durability and waterproofing.

Can you cut the Tile Redi shower pan?

As the Tile Redi pan comes as a single piece and the drain hole and curb is part of that pan, you cannot cut or sand the pan by any mean. To get the right size and prevent cutting, make sure you buy a pan according to the shower size. 
There is also a custom size option available on the Tile Redi website.

In tile Redi waterproof?

Many people question whether the Tile Redi shower pan is waterproof and you need to tile it. Unfortunately, even if you like the look, you need tiles above to complete the installation and waterproof the shower. 
Rather than being waterproof, the pan provides a leak-proof barrier so that water doesn’t reach the floor underneath.  


Here we are at the end of the comparison table. Now that you know about both waterproofing and drainage system, hopefully, the decision is easier for you. 

As you can see, both systems have a totally different working method from other systems. That’s why it’s a bit hard to make any direct comparison between the Schluter shower system vs. the Tile-Redi shower pan.

Everyone’s shower system is different, and the same goes for their plans with it. So, not both of them will be suitable for a single shower. 

But no matter which one you choose, one thing is guaranteed is that you’ll get the best drainage and waterproofing if installed correctly.

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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