Kohler Rite-Temp valves are the engines that orchestrate the showering and bathing experiences that users enjoy. These valves have garnered immense popularity amongst both specifiers and plumbers because of their reliability, ruggedness, and high quality.
Two very popular Rite-Temp valves are the K-304 and the K-8304. But which one should you get?
In Kohler K-304 vs K-8304, we will be breaking them down and comparing them to make it easier for you to decide. So, stick around till the end!
A Quick Comparison Table
Before we dive deeper into the comparison between Kohler K-304 and K-8304, let us have a quick glance at this comparison table below. This table will help us to understand the differences in detail later.
This chart is also effective if you just need a quick overview of the differences between the two products.
Criterion | K-8304 | K-304 |
Diaphragm Pressure Technology | Yes | No |
Back-And-Cross Flow | Yes | No |
Thick and Thin Wall Install | Yes | No |
Back-to-Back Installation | Yes | No |
Pipe Connections | Wider Variety | Lesser Variety |
Trim Designs | Yes | No |
The In-Depth Differences Between K-304 And K-8304
We have seen the differences in short, but now it is time for us to go into it in detail. We will be comparing the two products based on two different aspects:
- Reliability
Both these products are made of brass. Thus, the body is very forged. This makes both the K-304 and K-8304 reliable even in more aggressive conditions.
But certain features related to reliability are absent in the K-304.
The K-8304 comes with the latest diaphragm pressure balance technology. This makes it more accurate and offers higher reliability. This technology is not present in the K-304.
Due to the presence of a one-piece cartridge, the installation of the K-8304 is much more reliable. The hardware, too, is absent in the K-304. Thus, installation is not as smooth as the K-8304.
Back and cross-flow protection is very crucial for Temp valves. Kohler has installed integral check valves in the K-8304 to ensure better flow protection. This feature is not available in the K-304, thus the K-8304 has better flow protection than the K-304.
The stops of the K-8304 are shipped pre-greased, and ready to be installed. As a result, you can correctly install before sweating connections. The stops of the K-304 are not shipped pre-greased. Thus, installation is relatively harder.
So when it comes to reliability, you can see that the K-8304 is much superior to the K-304. Small hardware additions here and there have made installation more convenient, and long-lasting.
For long-term solutions, it provides more assurance.
- Versatility
By versatility, we refer to the ability of the rite-temp to adapt to a variety of different situations, and how it can be used in multiple ways.
The K-8304 has simplified thick and thin wall installation. This allows for multiple installations and you can choose your mode of installation based on your surroundings.
This feature is great as it caters to a greater range of customers. But this variety of in-wall installation is not present in the K-304. Due to this absence of variation, you will not get the same versatility as the K-8304 when it comes to applications.
Another facet of versatility is the presence of back-to-back installation. Back-to-back installation is one of the most cost-effective ways of installation.
It is very common for people who have purchased a split system home package to have their units installed this way
This installation is a classic example of heating and cooling your entire home as cheaply as possible. This back-to-back installation is present in the K-8304, but not present in the K-304.
Thus, you will find a greater cost-effective installation with the K-8304, but not with the K-304. This might sometimes go on to become the deciding factor behind your purchase decision.
For rite-temp shower valves, pipe connections are very important. Kohler provides a full range of pipe connections, and it supports PEX expansion, PEX crimp, Universal NPT, Female NPT, and so on.
This range offers many options to customers, and they can choose from whichever fits them the best. Both the K-8304 and the K-304 offer a wide variety of pipe connections.
The K-8304 works with all Kohler trim designs. So, when customers are given a wide variety of options to choose from. With greater design comes greater versatility.
The K-304 does not work with all trim designs, so when it comes to purchasing, customers don’t have as many options as the K-8304.
The K-8304 comes with a single universal deep rough-in kit. This is actually one rough-in kit SKU with this valve platform. But the K-304 does not come with the same rough-in kit.
You can also install the K-8304 flush and pressure test without using a cartridge. This gives you greater flexibility to order the cartridge later when needed. You do not get the same versatility with the K-304.
So as you can see, the K-8304 offers much higher versatility to its customers than the K-304. In most of the reliability features, it trumps the K-304.
Which Product Is Right for You?

Normally, we would say that what product is a better fit for someone is quite a subjective matter.
Well, that is very applicable in this product comparison as well, it would be unfair to hold these products at the same levels.
As you can clearly see from the breakdown, the K-8304 offers much greater versatility and easier installation features than the K-304.
In short, the K-8304 has a much higher depth when it comes to product variation as well.
So, it is very easy to conclude that the K-8304 is the better product for you. But we also leave it to you to make your choice as you might deem certain features of the K-8304 unnecessary.
Pricing might also come into consideration when purchasing even though both these products will cost you relatively the same.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Yes, the K-304 is regarded as a very reliable customer by its customers. The only complaint customers have had about it is that it comes with a very poorly written instruction manual.
2.6 pounds 7 x 7 x 6.5 inches 88348 No .5 Stainless Steel Metal 1 5 Gallons Per Minute.
Available with and without stops, which allows the valve to be isolated for service or maintenance. For installations where the valve has been roughed in deeper than standard, there is a universal deep rough-in kit available that works with every KOHLER Rite-Temp trim.
Final Words
At the end of the day what product you will buy is entirely on you. It depends a lot on you, and your surrounding environment.
We recommend doing adequate market research before making your purchase decision. Both these products are very apt rite-temp shower valves, but even though they are both very capable, it does not mean both will have utility for you.
These are very expensive devices, so make a purchase that you do not regret later on. We hope Kohler K-304 vs K-8304 will be able to help you to come to a decision.