Who doesn’t know the toll one has to endure to dry the towel to use it for the bath the next day? For mitigating this particular problem, an electrically heated towel rail can undoubtedly be a great solution.
But, it can be very disheartening when you find out that your much-needed electric heated towel rail not working.
If you have ever faced this situation, you must have wondered what could be the reasons, right?
Well, you are not alone.
Why Is My Electric Towel Rail Not Getting Hot?

After facing the issue of having a less heated towel rail problem, you must have wondered about this question. So many households have already faced this problem, that is why it is evident that the problem is not new at all.
But there must be some reasons that created this problem in the first place. If you know these reasons once, then you can avoid those consciously to keep the electric towel rail not functional.
So, let’s get to know about those reasons that work as a catalyst to the heating problem of the electric towel rail.
- Problem In The Nodes Of The Plug
A common cause of the electrical tower ceasing to heat the rail is when a chain of nodes of the electric towel rail does not get to properly connect with the power grid. As a result of this, the malfunction occurs.
To identify this reason for the problem, at first, the survey of the outlet is important. Then the plug of the appliance needs to be removed and then you have to inspect the inlets.
You can examine the nodes with an indicator screwdriver.
Then you can replace the outlet. After connecting the plug, you can check the temperature regulator. It would start rotating and will create sound if the replacement work was perfectly done.
- Trouble In The Power Line

The power line issue could be another significant reason. When there is significant pressure on the network, then the line becomes hot and the appliance will go off.
In a situation like this, you can again connect the equipment with the power supply and monitor the temperature closely if it is working okay.
- Short Circuit In The Connection System
A regular short circuit implies a significant connection error. When there are different issues related to the automatic plug then it means that there might be a short circuit in the connection mechanism.
When it happens, then you have the option of checking it and then if the issue is detected, you can eliminate it. You can also check the connection with a multimeter.
- Due To External Decor Elements
It is very common to find in most of the households, for the decoration purpose different method are used in the equipment. This can also result in a temperature problem.
In such a case, remove all the decoration elements so there is no hindrance for the rail to reach the desired temperature.
Once the repair work is done, then you can also do the decoration work but it will not be wise to do it compromising the functionality of the electric towel rail.
- Exposure To Excessive Water
Since the electric towel rail remains in the bathroom, you can’t throw away the possibility of excessive exposure to water. It can also result in malfunction regarding the temperature issue.
So, while planning for the bathroom designate a place for types of equipment like these, and make sure these equipment don’t get much exposure to water.
If you already have this problem, then talk with a professional to place it in a dry area of your bathroom. But before you do so, watch this video so that you can fix it yourself.
Electrically Heated Towel Rail And My Recommendations
As the name implies it is a heater tower rail, and it is mainly designed to heat the towels before using them. In a word, this tool makes the towels usable in comparatively less time.
Some of these tools serve multipurpose like keeping the towel and the environment of the bathroom warm.
Just like the radiator in the house, the electrically heated towel rail mostly remains connected with the central heating system of the house. Furthermore, it is also mostly connected with electricity rather than other sources of energy.

After getting some idea about the reason behind the electric towel rail heating problem, by now you must have an idea how it occurs in most cases.
I personally faced the problem a few years back. At first, I tried to figure out the problem by myself. I had some initial ideas regarding this.
Yet, to make it okay, I called a professional to do the job. I know for years of experience he would do better and less amount of time.
So, if you are an amateur do not hesitate to call a professional. But I can’t emphasize enough, how important it is to continue regular monitoring to keep the electric towel rail functional for a long time.
That is why keep on monitoring the appliance regularly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
No, electric towel rails do not need water. These are dry electric towel rails. Simply put, dry electric towel rails are basically with no water and there is the absolute absence of any other liquid substance.
Dry electric towel rails of these types are often having silicon sealed wire inside the bars that ultimately heat the towel. The only con is that these tools are unable to heat up the room.
It has a special solution of a certain proportion. The proportion is 85% of deionized water and 15% of Ethylene Glycol. The purpose of the solution is to fill the electric regulator. So, it can ultimately assist to maintain the desired temperature.
If you are seeking some comfort during the months of winter, then heated tower rail is definitely worth it.
Wrapping up
Now after having some idea, next time you find out the electrically heated towel rail not working I am sure you will not be perplexed about it. As of now you already know the reasons that are working as a catalyst for this common problem.
So, do proper monitoring of your electric heated towel rail once in a while and have a blissful winter ahead.