Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo Reviews: My Honest Experience

When it comes to managing psoriasis, finding the right shampoo can make all the difference. After trying numerous products, I stumbled upon Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo Plus Conditioner, and I couldn’t be more relieved.

If you’re looking for a solution that might actually work, you can purchase Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo from major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, or directly from the manufacturer’s website.

I found it most convenient to order online, ensuring that I had a steady supply without the hassle of store visits.

My Journey With Psoriasis And Dermarest Shampoo

Living with psoriasis isn’t easy. It’s not just the physical discomfort; it’s the impact on your confidence and daily life.

Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo & Conditioner

Over the years, I’ve battled with an itchy, flaky scalp that refused to respond to most treatments.

From big-brand dandruff shampoos to niche natural products, nothing seemed to offer long-term relief.

Then, I came across Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo, which promised to address the very symptoms I was struggling with: scalp itching, irritation, redness, flaking, and scaling.

With ingredients like 3% salicylic acid, green tea extract, kukui nut oil, and safflower extract, it seemed like a formula designed to soothe and treat the scalp rather than just masking the symptoms.

  • First Impressions: Packaging And Initial Use

The first thing I noticed when my order arrived was the packaging. It’s fairly simple, with clear instructions on how to use the product. However, I did encounter a minor hiccup.

The shampoo bottle wasn’t tightly sealed, leading to a small spill inside the packaging. While it wasn’t a huge loss, it was a bit disappointing, especially considering the price of the product. A tighter seal or an inner foil might have prevented this. If you order online, I recommend checking the seal as soon as you receive it.

My initial use of the shampoo was quite positive. The fragrance-free formula was a welcome change from the overly scented options I had tried before.

I applied it as directed—massaging it into my scalp and leaving it on for a few minutes before rinsing. The consistency was thick enough to coat the scalp without being too heavy or greasy.

How Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo Performed Over Time?

Now, onto the most crucial part—did it work? The short answer is yes, but with some caveats.


  1. Immediate Relief: From the first use, I noticed a significant reduction in scalp itching and irritation. It wasn’t an instant cure, but the relief was noticeable enough to keep me using the product.
  2. Reduced Inflammation: Over the first week of use, the inflammation on my scalp decreased considerably. I didn’t experience the burning sensation that often accompanies other medicated shampoos.
  3. Flake Reduction: While the flaking didn’t disappear completely, it was significantly reduced. After using the shampoo consistently for a month, I noticed that the patches of flaky skin were smaller and less frequent.
  4. Gentle on Hair: Despite being a medicated shampoo, Dermarest didn’t leave my hair feeling stripped or dry. In fact, my hair felt quite neutral—not overly soft, but certainly not damaged.


  1. Persistent Dandruff: One downside is that while the itching and inflammation were under control, the dandruff didn’t completely go away. It was reduced, but not eliminated. I had to use the shampoo regularly to maintain these results.
  2. Packaging Issues: As mentioned earlier, the packaging could be improved. A more secure seal would prevent potential spills during shipping.
  3. Price: Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo is on the pricier side compared to other dandruff shampoos. Considering that I needed to use it regularly, it added up over time.

Tips: Getting The Best Results

To maximize the benefits of Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo, I developed a few maintenance tips that worked well for me:

Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo
  1. Consistent Use: I found that using the shampoo two to three times a week was the sweet spot. Overuse can dry out the scalp, but underuse might allow symptoms to return.
  2. Pair with a Moisturizing Conditioner: While Dermarest is designed to be a shampoo and conditioner in one, I sometimes found that my hair needed an extra moisture boost. Using a light, scalp-friendly conditioner (avoiding the roots) helped maintain the balance.
  3. Scalp Massage: While applying the shampoo, take a moment to massage it into your scalp. This not only helps distribute the product evenly but also stimulates blood circulation, which can aid in skin healing.
  4. Avoid Harsh Hair Products: To give Dermarest the best chance to work, I avoided using other harsh hair products. I kept my hair routine simple and focused on gentle, psoriasis-friendly products.
  5. Monitor Your Diet: While it’s not directly related to the shampoo, I noticed that my scalp health improved when I avoided trigger foods like sugar and dairy. Pairing Dermarest with a healthy diet helped enhance the results.

Comparing Dermarest With Other Brands

Over the years, I’ve tried various psoriasis shampoos, each with its own set of promises and pitfalls. Here’s how Dermarest stacks up against some of the others:

  1. T/Gel by Neutrogena: T/Gel is a popular choice for scalp psoriasis, but it can be quite harsh. I found that it left my hair feeling dry and brittle, something I didn’t experience with Dermarest. However, T/Gel is more effective at reducing dandruff, so it might be a better option if that’s your primary concern.
  2. Selsun Blue: Selsun Blue is another strong contender, especially for dandruff control. It worked well for me in the past, but like T/Gel, it was too harsh for regular use. Dermarest was gentler on my scalp and didn’t cause the dryness that Selsun Blue sometimes did.
  3. Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength: This is a solid choice for dandruff but fell short when it came to addressing psoriasis-specific symptoms like itching and redness. Dermarest was more effective in managing those symptoms.
  4. Nizoral: Nizoral is often recommended for severe dandruff and fungal infections, but it’s not specifically designed for psoriasis. While it did help with dandruff, it didn’t offer the same level of relief from itching and irritation as Dermarest.

In summary, while Dermarest may not be the absolute best at eliminating dandruff, it offers a balanced approach that’s gentler on the scalp while effectively managing psoriasis symptoms.

If you’re looking for a shampoo that doesn’t compromise your hair’s health while treating your scalp, Dermarest is worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Dermarest good for psoriasis?

Yes, Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo is specifically formulated to treat and relieve psoriasis symptoms like scalp itching, redness, and flaking. It’s effective in reducing inflammation and controlling flare-ups.

How long does it take for Dermarest shampoo to work?

Results can vary, but I noticed a significant reduction in itching and irritation within the first week of use. Continued use over several weeks improved flaking and overall scalp health.

What are the side effects of Dermarest shampoo?

Side effects are minimal, but some users might experience dryness or irritation, especially if used too frequently. It’s important to follow the usage instructions and consider pairing it with a moisturizing conditioner if necessary.

Can I use Dermarest shampoo every day?

It’s not recommended to use Dermarest shampoo every day, as it can potentially dry out your scalp. I found that using it two to three times a week was sufficient to manage symptoms without causing dryness.

Conclusion: Is Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo Worth It?

After several weeks of consistent use, I can confidently say that Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo has become a staple in my hair care routine. It’s not perfect—no product is—but it offers a level of relief and comfort that I hadn’t found with other shampoos.

If you’re struggling with psoriasis or even just stubborn scalp issues, I’d recommend giving Dermarest a try. It’s available at most major retailers, both online and in stores, making it easy to purchase.

While the price may be a bit higher than average, the results justify the cost, especially if you’ve tried other products without success.

Remember, managing psoriasis is a journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. But based on my experience, Dermarest Psoriasis Shampoo is a solid option that delivers on its promises.

Patricia J. Huerta

Meet Patricia J. Huerta. She is a dedicated writer specializing in reviews and insights on shampoo, soap, conditioner, and other female products. Based in Dobbs Ferry, NY, Patricia brings a personal touch to her articles, aiming to help readers find the best beauty and hair care solutions for their needs.

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