Colgate Total Vs. Optic White: Which One Should You Choose?

When you’re choosing between Colgate Total and Optic White, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. Both are top contenders in oral care, but they serve different purposes. Colgate Total focuses on comprehensive oral health, tackling plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath.

In contrast, Colgate Optic White is your go-to for whitening, offering powerful stain removal and a brighter smile. This article will compare the two, examining their pros and cons, to help you determine which toothpaste best suits your needs and dental goals.

A Brief Comparison Table

FeatureColgate TotalColgate Optic White
Primary BenefitOverall oral healthTeeth whitening
Fluoride ContentYesYes
Whitening AgentsNoYes (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Antibacterial IngredientsYes (Triclosan/Copolymer)No
Sensitivity ProtectionYesSome formulas
Flavor OptionsMultipleLimited
TextureSmoothSlightly gritty
PriceModerateSlightly higher
ADA ApprovalYesYes

Now that we have a snapshot of their key features, let’s talk about what makes each of these toothpastes stand out and why you might lean towards one over the other.

Colgate Total: Your All-In-One Oral Health Solution

When I first started using Colgate Total, it was because I wanted a toothpaste that did more than just clean my teeth. Colgate Total is designed to provide comprehensive oral care. Here’s why it might be a great choice for you:


Colgate Total Toothpaste
  1. Complete Oral Health: Colgate Total isn’t just about keeping your teeth clean. It helps with plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath, ensuring your whole mouth stays healthy.
  2. Antibacterial Protection: Thanks to its antibacterial ingredients, it provides a barrier against bacteria that can cause gum disease and other issues.
  3. Sensitive Teeth Friendly: If you have sensitive teeth like I do, Colgate Total offers variants that cater to sensitivity, which is a huge plus.
  4. Long-lasting Freshness: It leaves your mouth feeling fresh for hours, which is perfect if you have long days full of meetings and interactions.
  5. ADA Approved: Knowing that it’s approved by the American Dental Association gives me confidence in its effectiveness and safety.


  1. Flavor Choices: While there are multiple flavors available, some might find them a bit too minty or medicinal.
  2. Texture: Some users report that the texture is a bit too smooth and doesn’t provide the gritty feel they associate with thorough cleaning.
  3. Whitening Effectiveness: Although it maintains overall oral health, it doesn’t focus on whitening as much as some other toothpastes.

My Experience With Colgate Total

From my personal experience, Colgate Total is a reliable choice if you’re looking for an all-around performer.

I appreciated how it tackled multiple aspects of oral health without causing any sensitivity issues. The freshness it provided was noticeable and long-lasting, making it a staple in my oral hygiene routine.

Colgate Optic White: The Whitening Specialist

On the other hand, Colgate Optic White caught my eye (and teeth) when I was looking for something specifically to whiten my smile. If brightening your teeth is your main goal, this might be the toothpaste for you.


Colgate Optic White Toothpaste
  1. Effective Whitening: Optic White is known for its whitening power, thanks to its hydrogen peroxide content. It can help remove stains and make your teeth visibly whiter.
  2. Quick Results: Many users, including myself, have noticed a difference in the whiteness of their teeth within just a week of regular use.
  3. Affordable Whitening: Compared to professional whitening treatments, Optic White offers an affordable alternative that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.
  4. ADA Approved: Like Colgate Total, Optic White is also approved by the ADA, assuring its safety and efficacy.


  1. Sensitivity Issues: The downside of its whitening power is that it can cause sensitivity in some people, especially if you have sensitive teeth to begin with.
  2. Limited Flavors: It doesn’t offer as many flavor options, so if you’re picky about your toothpaste flavors, you might find it lacking.
  3. Price Point: While not exorbitant, Optic White is slightly more expensive than regular toothpaste, which might be a consideration for budget-conscious shoppers.

My Experience With Colgate Optic White

Using Colgate Optic White was a game-changer for me when I wanted to brighten my smile. I saw noticeable results fairly quickly, which was really satisfying.

However, I did experience some mild sensitivity, which made me cautious about using it continuously. It’s fantastic for occasional use to maintain whiteness, but if you have sensitive teeth, you might need to use it sparingly or switch to a less intense formula.

Deciding Which Toothpaste Is Right For You

Colgate Total Toothpaste

Choosing between Colgate Total and Optic White ultimately comes down to what you prioritize in your oral care routine. Let’s break it down based on different needs:

  • For Overall Oral Health

If your main goal is to maintain excellent overall oral health, then Colgate Total is likely the better choice. It offers comprehensive protection against a variety of dental issues, from plaque to gingivitis, and ensures your mouth stays healthy and fresh.

  • For Whitening

If you’re specifically looking to whiten your teeth, Colgate Optic White is designed to deliver those results. It’s effective at removing stains and can give you a brighter smile fairly quickly. Just be mindful of potential sensitivity issues, especially if you plan to use it daily.

  • For Sensitive Teeth

For those with sensitive teeth, Colgate Total offers variants that cater to sensitivity while still providing broad-spectrum oral health benefits. Optic White, on the other hand, might be too harsh if sensitivity is a significant concern.

  • For Flavor and Texture Preferences

If you’re particular about the taste and texture of your toothpaste, you might prefer Colgate Total for its variety of flavors and smooth texture. Optic White’s limited flavor options and slightly gritty texture might not be to everyone’s liking.

  • For Budget Considerations

While both are reasonably priced, Colgate Total generally offers a more affordable option for daily use. Optic White, with its specialized whitening ingredients, comes at a slightly higher price point but is still more economical than professional whitening treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does Colgate Total really whiten teeth?

Colgate Total is primarily designed for overall oral health, including fighting plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. While it helps maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth by removing surface stains, it doesn’t focus on whitening as much as specialized whitening toothpastes like Colgate Optic White.

Is Colgate Optic White the best whitening toothpaste?

Colgate Optic White is certainly one of the most popular and effective whitening toothpastes available. Its hydrogen peroxide content helps remove deep stains and brighten teeth. However, whether it’s the best can depend on personal preferences and how your teeth respond to whitening agents.

Which Colgate toothpaste is the most whitening?

Colgate Optic White is the most whitening toothpaste in the Colgate lineup. It contains hydrogen peroxide, a well-known whitening agent that helps remove deep stains and achieve a brighter smile.

Is Colgate Total really better?

Colgate Total is better if you’re looking for comprehensive oral health care. It addresses a variety of dental issues, including plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath, making it a well-rounded choice for daily oral hygiene. However, if your primary focus is on whitening your teeth, Colgate Optic White might be the better option for you.

Wrapping Up

In the end, the choice between Colgate Total and Optic White boils down to your personal dental needs and preferences. If you’re after a toothpaste that provides comprehensive oral health benefits, Colgate Total is a fantastic option. It’s reliable, effective, and gentle enough for daily use, even if you have sensitive teeth.

On the other hand, if your primary goal is to achieve a brighter, whiter smile, Colgate Optic White is hard to beat. Its powerful whitening formula can deliver noticeable results quickly, making it a great choice for those special occasions or whenever you want your smile to shine a little brighter.

Whatever your choice, both of these Colgate products are backed by the ADA, ensuring they meet high standards of safety and effectiveness.

So, whether you’re focusing on overall oral health or seeking a dazzling white smile, Colgate has a toothpaste that can meet your needs.

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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