Apothecary 101 Hand Soap Review: A Deep Dive

When it comes to hand soaps, finding the perfect balance between fragrance, moisturizing qualities, and overall effectiveness can be quite a journey. Recently, I stumbled upon the Apothecary 101 Hand Soap collection, and I thought it would be worth sharing my experience with you.

While I was initially drawn in by its enticing scents and attractive packaging, there are a few things you should know before making a purchase.

If you’re considering adding the Apothecary 101 hand soap to your home, my advice is to proceed with caution. It’s available from various online retailers, including Amazon, but after my experience and extensive research into what others have said, I’d recommend looking elsewhere. More on that as we go along.

My First Impressions: The Scents And Presentation

Apothecary 101 Hand Soap

When I first came across Apothecary 101 hand soaps, the initial appeal was undeniable.

The glass bottles are not only aesthetically pleasing but also give off a vibe of luxury and sophistication.

They seem to fit perfectly into a variety of bathroom or kitchen decors.

The scents offered—Lemon Verbena, White Gardenia, Sweet Orange, and Coconut Hibiscus—are all delightful in theory. Each fragrance brings something unique to the table:

  • Lemon Verbena offers a refreshing, citrusy zing that’s perfect for waking you up during those early morning hand washes.
  • White Gardenia has a floral, almost romantic scent that feels calming and pure.
  • Sweet Orange is exactly what you’d expect—bright, zesty, and invigorating.
  • Coconut Hibiscus brings a tropical vibe, with a subtle sweetness that lingers on the skin.

However, despite these promising beginnings, things quickly took a turn once I got to actually use the product.

The Reality: Pros And Cons of Apothecary 101 Hand Soap


Let’s start with what’s good about this hand soap collection because, to be fair, it’s not all bad.

  1. Aesthetically Pleasing Packaging: The glass bottles are a definite plus. They’re sleek, modern, and have a reusable aspect that appeals to those of us trying to reduce plastic waste. These bottles are designed to last, and you can easily refill them with other soaps once you’re done.
  2. Moisturizing Formula: Apothecary 101 claims that their hand soaps moisturize and gently cleanse the skin. I found this to be true to some extent. My hands did feel soft after using the soap, and there wasn’t that annoying dryness that some hand soaps leave behind.
  3. Gift-Worthy Presentation: If you’re looking for a hand soap that doubles as a decorative item or a thoughtful gift, this collection fits the bill. The packaging and variety of scents make it a visually appealing option.


Unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros for me, and here’s why:

  1. Inconsistent Quality Control: This was the biggest issue I faced. After purchasing the product, I received it in a less-than-perfect condition. The soap had leaked inside the package because one of the tops wasn’t screwed on properly. Moreover, the bottles, which are supposed to be adhered together, had come apart. This left me questioning whether the product I received was genuinely new, as it was described.
  2. Leaky Packaging: I wasn’t alone in my frustration. After digging through online reviews, I found that many customers experienced similar issues with leaking bottles. This isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a sign of poor quality control that could lead to a total waste of money if the glass bottles break in transit.
  3. Underwhelming Fragrance: While the scents sounded great on paper, they didn’t quite live up to the expectation in real life. The fragrances were either too faint to notice or didn’t last long after washing, which was disappointing given that scent is one of the main selling points of these soaps.
  4. High Price for What You Get: Given the issues with quality control and the underwhelming fragrance, the price point feels unjustified. There are plenty of other hand soaps out there that offer better quality at a more reasonable price.

Tips: How To Make The Most of Apothecary 101 Hand Soap?

If you’ve already purchased Apothecary 101 hand soap or are determined to give it a try despite the potential downsides, here are some tips to help you make the most of your purchase:

Home and Body Apothecary 101 Hand Soap
  1. Secure the Tops: Before you even think about using these soaps, make sure the tops are tightly screwed on. This will prevent any leakage and ensure that you don’t lose product unnecessarily.
  2. Store in a Cool, Dry Place: To maintain the integrity of the fragrances and prevent any potential separation of ingredients, store these soaps in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  3. Refill and Reuse: Once you’ve used up the original soap, don’t throw the bottle away. Refill it with a more reliable brand of hand soap to get your money’s worth from the glass bottles.
  4. Gift with Caution: If you’re planning to gift this soap, I recommend checking the condition of the product first. Ensure that there’s no leakage or damage before wrapping it up as a present.

Comparison With Other Brands

When you’re considering purchasing hand soap, there are many other brands that you could choose from, and some of them might offer better value for your money. Let’s take a look at how Apothecary 101 stacks up against a few competitors.

Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Hand Soap

  • Fragrance: Mrs. Meyer’s offers a wide variety of unique and pleasant scents that are often more robust than those in the Apothecary 101 collection.
  • Packaging: While Mrs. Meyer’s doesn’t come in glass bottles, their plastic packaging is functional and durable. Plus, they’re often available in larger, more economical sizes.
  • Price: Generally more affordable, with a similar quality in terms of moisturizing and cleansing abilities.
  • Quality Control: Mrs. Meyer’s products consistently receive high marks for quality, with very few reports of leaky or damaged packaging.

Method Hand Soap

  • Fragrance: Method hand soaps are known for their fresh, vibrant scents, much like Apothecary 101’s offerings, but with better consistency in fragrance strength.
  • Packaging: The packaging is modern and comes in stylish, refillable bottles, though they are plastic rather than glass.
  • Price: Method is priced similarly to Apothecary 101 but with fewer complaints about quality control.
  • Environmental Impact: Method is known for its eco-friendly practices, including the use of biodegradable ingredients and recyclable packaging.

Aesop Hand Soap

Aesop soap hand wash
  • Fragrance: Aesop’s hand soaps are on the more luxurious side, with complex, long-lasting scents that are designed to feel indulgent.
  • Packaging: Like Apothecary 101, Aesop offers its soaps in glass bottles, adding a touch of elegance to your bathroom or kitchen.
  • Price: Aesop is significantly more expensive than Apothecary 101, but the quality justifies the price. There are few to no complaints about the fragrance or packaging.
  • Quality Control: Aesop’s quality control is top-notch, ensuring that each product arrives in perfect condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Apothecary hand soap good?

While Apothecary hand soap does have some appealing qualities, such as its moisturizing formula and attractive packaging, the overall experience is marred by inconsistent quality control and underwhelming fragrances. In my opinion, there are better options available on the market.

What hand soap do the Kardashians use?

The Kardashians are known for their luxurious lifestyle, and they’ve been known to favor Aesop hand soap. Aesop is a high-end brand that offers complex, long-lasting fragrances and sleek, reusable packaging.

What is the best hand soap to use?

The best hand soap depends on your preferences. If you’re looking for something luxurious, Aesop is a top choice. For a balance between quality and affordability, Mrs. Meyer’s and Method are excellent options. Apothecary 101 may not be the best choice due to its quality control issues.

What hand soap was recalled?

In the past, there have been recalls on certain hand soaps due to contamination concerns. While Apothecary 101 has not been recalled, the quality control issues I and others have faced make it worth reconsidering. Always check for the latest recall information to ensure your products are safe.

Conclusion: Should You Buy Apothecary 101 Hand Soap?

After thoroughly testing Apothecary 101 hand soaps and comparing them with other brands, I’m hesitant to recommend this product. While the packaging is beautiful and the idea of refillable glass bottles is appealing, the inconsistent quality control and underwhelming fragrances make this a less-than-ideal purchase.

If you do decide to buy it, I’d suggest doing so with caution. Be prepared to deal with potential leaks and underwhelming scents. However, considering the issues I’ve faced and the reviews I’ve read, you might be better off choosing a different brand that offers more reliable quality and value for your money.

In the end, hand soap is something you use every day, so it’s worth investing in a product that consistently delivers a pleasant experience. Whether that means opting for Mrs. Meyer’s, Method, or splurging on Aesop, you’ll likely find a better fit for your needs than Apothecary 101.

Clyde Mitchell

I run a hardware store nearby Court Anaheim, CA. Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own ReliefInBath.com From me and this website, you can expect some useful tips on great ideas for a modern bathroom.

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